The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Russian Committee of the International Council of Museum (ICOM)
The State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Preserve of History, Architecture and Art
Association on Documentation and new Information Technologies
ADIT'2000 4th Annual Conference
“Museums and Information Space: Computer Technologies and Cultural Heritage”
Vladimir, 21-28 May, 2000
The plenary sessions of the conference shall concern the following issues:
"ADIT: Past and Future"
Reports on ADIT activities in 1999-2000. Ways to improving ADIT activities.
Participants will learn about the newly established Non-commercial Partnership on
Automation of Museum Activities and New Information Technologies (NP ADIT),
discuss and amend its Regulations, elect its Management Committee.
"Standards: the Basis for Cooperation"
General problems of establishing and applying standards (categories and structure of museum object
information, terminology, technology), using standards in building the Russian Cultural Heritage Network.
"Museum Soft"
Creation, circulation and support of software for museum computer systems: technology and organization.
"Image Processing Technologies. Digital Image Catalogues"
Preparing and using digital images, creating digital image catalogues, applying
international standards.
"Museum Electronic Publications"
Multimedia museum publications (scenarios, navigation, data presentation, information
processing technologies), their quality, commercial and non-commercial uses.
"The Russian Cultural Heritage Network: Regional Interaction"
A round table, discussion groups and talks on the policy for active involvement of
Russian regions into establishing the Russian Cultural Heritage Network
The Conference will include
- the Museum Computer Festival, presenting museum computer
projects: publications on CD-ROMs and on the Web,
- Master Classes on the following topics:
HYPERMETHOD Program for Electronic Publications on Museum Topics.
International Standards for Museum Object Information.
KAMIS-2000 Museum Information System.
The Technology for Creating and Controlling a Museum Internet Site.
Visits to museums in Vladimir, tours of Suzdal and Bogolyubovo
Two-room suites in Zarya Hotel.
Participant fee $300 covering
participation in computer festival and plenary sessions from May 22 to 26
hotel accommodation on May 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 (breakfast not included)
lunch on May 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
dinners on May 22 and 26
visits to museums in Vladimir, trip to Suzdal on May 23, to Bogolyubovo on May 24, to Museum of Cut-Glass in Gus-Khrustalnii on May 27.
to be paid in cash at registration
Trip to Museum of Cut-Glass in Gus-Khrustalnii
Planned for May 27, including
1. Bus from Vladimir to Gus-Khrustalnii and back
2. City tour
3. Visit to Museum of Cut-Glass
4. Visit to Exhibition
5. Tea at the Museum
6. Visit to market of cut-glassware
7. Lunch at Romantika cafe
8. Museum keepsake
Please address any questions concerning ADIT'2000 to
Irina Muzalevskaya, ADIT regional representative in Vladimir:
tel. 007 0922 32 6605, fax 007 0922 32 7010,
E-mail: muza@vsmz.elcom.ru èëè
ADIT President Alexander Dremailov
E-Mail: dream@kremlin.museum.ru |
© 1997-2000, ADIT, All right reserved  |