АДИТ-2012. Тезисы доклада
Тема: "21. МТ и практики в обл. прим. ИТ для сохр., изуч. и презент. КН"
Gustaf Gustafson
  Westfjords, Iceland
  Westfjords Marketing Office
  Тел.: +354 450 4040
  E-mail: gustaf@westfjords.is

The approach in the use of IT in the Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft in Holmavik and the Icelandic Sea Monster Museum in Bildudalur

The Westfjords region has sometimes been dubbed “the most famous unknown place in Iceland”. Well, throw in the prestigious “European Destination of Excellence” awarded by the European Commission and add to that the fact that the Lonely Planet travel guide put the area on its top 10 list of regions in the world to visit in 2011, and you will see that the Westfjords are becoming increasingly famous – or perhaps less unknown.An integral part of the development of the destinations brand is museums and two of those have had a huge impact on the identity and image of their surroundings. These are the Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft in Holmavik and the Icelandic Sea Monster Museum in Bildudalur.Their approach has been successful, but quite different in the use of IT and this report will identify the main differences, design and strategic plans.


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