АДИТ-2012. Тезисы доклада
Тема: "21. МТ и практики в обл. прим. ИТ для сохр., изуч. и презент. КН"
Alexander Lindback
  Oslo, Norway
  Norsk Folkemuseum
  Catalogue leader
  Тел.: +47 40023576
  E-mail: alexander.lindback@norskfolkemuseum.no

The Norwegian online museum catalogue and use of Creative Commons licensing

Nearly one hundred Norwegian museums publish their digital catalogues on one website. In this “digital museum” the public can search and research objects from across the country. What are the advantages of this online catalogue? What are the challenges?

Several Norwegian museums have started using Creative Commons licenses and the Public Domain mark for online photos. How is the licensing affecting our catalogues’ integration with other information sources?


  © АДИТ, 1997-2012