АДИТ-2012. Тезисы доклада
Тема: "21. МТ и практики в обл. прим. ИТ для сохр., изуч. и презент. КН"
Iris Olof Sigurjonsdottir
  Dalvík, Iceland
  Forstodumadur, Byggdasafnid Hvoll
  E-mail: irisolof@dalvikurbyggd.is

How can small museum with low budget manage to create and cost a touch screen

We do have on the Museums Touch Screen informations about the distrct which are subjective knowledge. We tried to be informative using pictures and short texts. People can surf on the screen in icelandic and english and investigate their own interests. We devided the knowledge in catagories, such as Nature, Sagas, people from the district and so on. The listed Church in the distrct get their own space as well. Part of the information on the touch screen is on the museum s home page.


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